It is convenient to dig treasures in the open air and Lulutong to contact sellers, mobile payment is time-saving and convenient! There are more than hundreds of millions of products on the whole site for you to choose! Open-air auction is the preferred mobile shopping station!
露天拍賣是世界第四大的拍賣購物網,全站擁有本地加上海外代購商品超過數億件,並且提供安心的付款機制與便捷的物流服務,讓您輕鬆有保障的購物、簡單便利開店做買賣,來露天買東西跟賣東西,讓你愉快的滿載而歸!露天拍賣App特點:【豐富的本地+海外代購商品】露天拍賣集結本地賣家直購與預購商品,以及美國eBay海外代購的商品,總商品數高達數億件,不論是玩具公仔、運動器材、3C家電、樂器設備、二手物品等皆一應俱全,省去代購、代買代標的麻煩,讓您在安全安心、簡單明瞭的中文環境輕鬆購物!【即時回覆問題的客服機器人】在露天拍賣若有任何問題疑慮,透過詢問客服機器人-熊咩,可以即時取得回覆,還可以獲得操作導引,得到個人化客服服務。【清楚的賣家賣場資訊】在露天拍賣時,更容易了解賣家公告的營業資訊、精選商品以及商品類別!【付款便利的Pi拍錢包上線囉】在露天拍賣購買商品使用Pi拍錢包付款,享最高3.5%P幣回饋!【簡單有效的搜尋購物app】清楚的商品分類類別,搭配關鍵字搜尋以及搜尋結果排序篩選,又快又準幫您篩選到喜歡的商品!【完整的商品+賣家資訊】所有您在乎的資訊一應俱全,靠譜的評價機制,露天拍賣App讓您盡情挖寶,安心網購!【便捷的行動購物app】看到喜歡的商品直接使用露天拍賣App立即購買,輕鬆快速完成購物,不用回到電腦完成購物結帳,節省時間及麻煩!!【隨時查看追蹤的商品】看到喜歡的商品加入追蹤清單,App跟網站同步儲存你追蹤的商品,隨身帶著走!想買的時候可以立即開啟購買!【掌握結帳資訊無比容易】隨時隨地掌握結帳商品的進度,想到就查,讓線上購物好安心!我們會陸續推出新功能及優化使用者體驗,歡迎您持續使用露天拍賣App!感謝您的支持!** 如果您有任何在露天網拍APP使用上的問題或寶貴的建議, 歡迎聯絡我們 [email protected] **Open-air auction is the world’s fourth largest auction shopping network. The site has more than hundreds of millions of local and overseas purchasing products, and provides a secure payment mechanism and convenient logistics services, allowing you to easily and securely shop and open a store easily. Buying and selling, buying and selling things in the open air will make you happy and full!Features of Open Air Auction App:[Various local + overseas purchasing products]The open-air auction gathers direct purchases and pre-purchased products from local sellers, as well as products purchased from overseas on eBay in the United States. The total number of products is as high as hundreds of millions. Whether it is toy figures, sports equipment, 3C home appliances, musical instruments, second-hand items, etc., everything is available. The trouble of purchasing and purchasing on behalf of the label will allow you to shop easily in a safe and secure, simple and clear Chinese environment![Customer service robot that answers questions instantly]If you have any questions or concerns in the open-air auction, you can get an immediate response by asking the customer service robot-Xiong Biao, you can also get operation guidance and get personalized customer service.[Clear seller store information]In the open-air auction, it is easier to understand the business information, selected products and product categories announced by the seller![Pi wallet for convenient payment is online]Use Pi wallet to pay for goods purchased at open-air auctions and enjoy up to 3.5% P coins reward![Simple and effective search and shopping app]Clear product classification, matching with keyword search and sorting and filtering of search results, quickly and accurately help you filter your favorite products![Complete product + seller information]All the information you care about is readily available, with a reliable evaluation mechanism, the open-air auction App allows you to dig treasures and shop online with peace of mind![Convenient mobile shopping app]When you see the goods you like, you can use the open-air auction app to buy immediately, and you can complete the shopping easily and quickly. You dont need to go back to the computer to complete the shopping checkout, saving time and trouble! ![Check the tracked products at any time]When you see your favorite products added to the tracking list, the App and the website will store your tracked products and take them with you! You can start the purchase immediately when you want to buy it![Its easy to grasp checkout information]Keep track of the progress of the checkout product anytime, anywhere, check it whenever you think of it, and make online shopping peace of mind!We will continue to introduce new features and optimize the user experience, and you are welcome to continue using the Open Auction App! thank you for your support!** If you have any questions or valuable suggestions on the use of the open-air online shooting APP, please contact us [email protected] **感謝您支持露天拍賣!我們除了抓臭蟲外,並持續優化 App 的執行效能與使用介面,讓您擁有更好的使用者體驗。如果喜歡露天拍賣,立即透過評分給我們一個鼓勵吧~!!!此版本更新如下:1.各項效能優化,改善Lag與閃退問題
How can i make it english?
Unstable app, crash constantly
我在2021/11/11下訂商品,第三次因缺貨遭無預警取消訂單。 露天拍賣作為第三方交易平台,根本沒有對於賣家單方面取消交易的罰則,使消費者完全沒有保障;反而消費者棄標會遭到投訴。相形之下,露天完全就是漠視消費者權益。 我在11/11遭退貨的訂單,退款退到支付連,現在這筆支付連的款項還回不到我銀行的戶頭上。這是因為該賣家只提供支付連的付款方式,不支援貨到付款或其他信用卡消費方式。 露天這不是爛,什麼會比這更爛?我在蝦皮消費數十次,一次也沒遇過賣家缺貨還大剌剌的標示{庫存>99}讓買家下標,但露天我遇了三次。露天的賣家可以缺貨沒貨也在販售,露天根本沒有控管賣家使得賣家囂張跋扈無法無天。露天作為第三方平台根本沒有控管交易機制使得我信用卡刷的錢卡在了支付連根本回不到我的帳戶。 這樣的平台,各位理性買家們,您們還敢放心消費嗎?
This app needs to fix many issues.the messages cannot open so i still use the app in my google chrome.and please make an option for changing language like the other shopping app.this is just fast in sending notifications.
為什麼pixel 6安裝後商品說明會變成上下顛倒的情況,重灌也一樣?!現在用露天都少了
又當機了. 網頁無回應, 無法開通pi 錢包及信用卡, 個人認證3次了都被退回, 網頁顯示有錯誤, 操作介面不聰明, 賣家上錯商品,
這個應用程序曾經運行得很好......但最近......該應用程序不斷給我一條錯誤消息“請確認填寫資訊系統忙碌中,請稍後再試! 修改收件資訊"